Unfairy Tales is a series of animated shorts that tell the personal stories of Syrian refugee children. The stories are presented as sobering fairy tales narrated by the children themselves. 180LA approached MediaMonks to produce one of the stories as an interactive storybook to strengthen the connection between the reader and content. The beautifully illustrated storybook visualises Mustafa’s recount of having to flee Syria. Through symbolic interactions and animations, readers get a better sense of the harrowing adversities Mustafa faced. The final switch from the illustrated tale to interview footage drives home the reality children like Mustafa face every day.
- Grand Prix for Good at Cannes Lions 2016
- Gold Cyber at Cannes Lions 2016
- Bronze Entertainment at Cannes Lions 2016
- Gold Branded Entertainment at London International Awards (LIA) 2016
- Silver Production & Post-Production at London International Awards (LIA) 2016
- Silver Clio Branded Entertainment 2016
- Bronze Clio Integrated 2016
- Bronze Clio PR 2016
- Wood Pencil Creativity for Good D&AD 2017
- Gold Pencil Cross Platform at The One Show 2017
- Bronze Pencil Interactive at The One Show 2017
- Bronze Pencil Branded Entertainment at The One Show 2017
- Bronze Pencil at The One Show 2016
- 4x Merits (Mobile/PR/Branded Entertainment) at The One Show 2017
- Bronze at Art Directos Club 2016
- Bronze at The New York Festivals 2016